Tuesday, March 09, 2010


So here are the recipients of braces! They can not be serious to save their lives!
The youngest twin boy and I had a bit of a surprise when the ortho secretary said: "Let's go ahead and do Carter's braces today instead of waiting til June." Yikes! We might as well get it out of the way. Right? So we did. Yay.
I think our orthodontist really likes us now. And I think he is keeping his eye on the youngest set of twins in hopes of more braces for my smiling faces.

Of course I know why he likes us! It is not just our "social manners" nor our congeniality.
But I am glad my children will be able to eat correctly after having their teeth fixed. I found out the poor Carter was not chewing properly, which explains his choking quite often! Here is to 2 years and straight teeth!

1 comment:

AOP said...

Hello, it's Kristi Gesink from Alpha Omega Publications again! I read on your blog that you are trying to put a link from your blog to our site and you are not quite sure how to do that. In the post you can look at the menu bar at the top of the post and see a little link button to push, in that box you should be able to put our url http://www.aophomeschooling.com,
or you can put our address in your sidebar as well.

If you need more help you can google "how to put a link in your blog on blogspot" and it will talk you through it too!

I hope you can get it and if you need more help please email me at tkgesink@mtcnet.net

Kristi Gesink

PS my daughter and I both had braces together as well! Fun Fun!